Order form


   Manuscripts must be submitted through e-mail addressed to the Editor-in-Chief or to the Associate Editor who, in the authors' opinion, is most closely related to the topic of the paper. The authors must send the corresponding *.dvi file or *.ps file. At the moment of submission, the authors are supposed not to have previously published the same manuscript in any language. Furthermore, the manuscript should not be copyrighted or submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. If the article is accepted, its copyright is transferred to the publisher, that is Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems. The authors will receive 25 freeoffprints.

   Manuscripts accepted must be typed in English by the authors (using LaTeX) following the macros of the file qtds.cls. The files in this package are the following:

  • qtds.cls ( Basic macro file, used with LaTeX2e, \documentclass{qtds})
  • qtds.tex ( Template file, for authors to use in making their own articles.)
  • sample.tex ( Sample file)

Click here in order to obtain the macro style files qtds.zip

When writing your article please take care of the following aspects:

  • DO NOT USE other macros than the ours: qtds.cls


  • Do not delete the orders that must be entered by the Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems staff.
  • The most significant words of the title must be in capital letters. Write the whole first name for all the authors.
  • Take care that all the equations (including the label) fit into the page margins.
  • Use labels for each theorem, lemma, proposition, corollary, definition, equation, ... if afterwards you want to make reference to them.
  • Write the references in alphabetical order and call to them using the order \cite{ }. You have to write the references using the following format:

\bibitem{chava} {\sc J. Chavarriga, H. Giacomini, J. Gin\'e, J. Llibre,}{\it \ On the integrability of two-dimensional flows,} J. Diff. Equations {\bf 157} (1999), 163--182.

\bibitem{GK} {\sc W.Gr\"obner and H.Knapp} {\it \ Contributions to the method of Lie series}, Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim, (1967).

  • Send your files via mail attaching them instead of copying them onto the message. Send the *.tex, *.dvi, *.ps files. If you want to include lots of figures, please zip all of them (using Winzip) and send them in an attached file.
  • All the graphics must be in *.eps version. Use the package \usepackage{epsfig}and the order





  • Please avoid using double vertical lines when making tables.
  • Take care of the presentation of your article.